Chin up, Queen!

“The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence,” Blake Lively once said. Living in a generation where society and social media define beauty, having confidence is a struggle for everyone. Our trust is always based on our surroundings, the company we keep, and, most importantly, how we see ourselves. For all of our queens who are struggling, keep your head up! We prepared some tips on how to boost your confidence!
Sweat it out!
Yes we know sometimes it is hard to pull yourself out of bed to go out and stretch. But aside from the health benefits of exercising, did you know that there was a study that found a link between physical activities and self-esteem?
According to the results of a 2019 study on the effects of uncontrolled eating on self-esteem in health workers, exercise was an effective way to boost their confidence.
When you work toward your wellbeing goals, it shows in your core self-assurance. So get out there and pound the pavement, do some squats, or any sports activities. You’ll feel better about yourself regardless of the physical benefits!
Set a goal.
Make use of your imagination to increase your self-assurance. According to a study, visualizing yourself overcoming adversaries or reaching goals can help boost your confidence and self-image. Set a super specific goal with as much detail as you can (one study suggests that the more detailed your vision of future success is, the more confident you’ll feel). Then pretend you’ve accomplished it.
Build a habit of talking to yourself in the mirror first thing in the morning and before going to bed speaking life and positive words such as “ You can do this!” “ You are beautiful” and “ You are enough” . Cheer yourself up, queen!
Ditch your comfort zone!
Queen it is about time to step out of your comfort zone! According to a former Fortune 500 executive Becky Blalock, we are always in control over the size of our comfort zone. It always depends on us whether we are willing to take risks and prove to no one but ourselves that we can do it!
Seeing the positive results of the risks you take can boost your confidence and trust in yourself. Be bold and wing it, girl!
Self love
Last tip but definitely not the least, self love. You always have a choice on whether you will value how people look at you more than how you see yourself. But remember, how people will see you will always be the reflection on how you see yourself. You have the ball on your court always. Do not let the surroundings define who you are
Let’s talk about self-care while we’re on the subject of self-love. Being uncomfortable with your pads on your red days can have a significant impact on your life and trust. Jeunesse is the perfect pad for you! Jeunesse is made of seven layers. The topmost cover is made of a special quick absorbing material that stays dry for maximum comfort and softness. It is sterilized and dirt-free; and has side-leak guards that help prevent strike through. The cover also contains a super absorbent inner core material for protective superior liquid protection while allowing the free flow of air. The back adhesive is specially designed to keep pads secured in place and of course last but definitely not the least, the anion strip! What’s good about the anion strip is that it balances PH and hormone levels, it eliminates unwanted odor and fights against vaginal infections and irritations.
Jeunesse will surely lessen your worries about accidental leak and boost your confidence! What are you waiting for? #Maketheswitch with Jeunesse.
Moon, K., Kim, S., Kim, J., Kim, H., & Ko, Y. (2020, June 12). The mirror of Mind: Visualizing mental representations of self through reverse correlation. Retrieved March 22, 2021, from
Urinary incontinence. (2021, March 09). Retrieved March 17, 2021, from,to%20a%20toilet%20in%20time.
Zamani Sani, S., Fathirezaie, Z., Brand, S., Pühse, U., Holsboer-Trachsler, E., Gerber, M., & Talepasand, S. (2016, October 12). Physical activity and self-esteem: Testing direct and indirect relationships associated with psychological and physical mechanisms. Retrieved March 22, 2021, from
Pérez-Fuentes, M., Molero Jurado, M., Simón Márquez, M., & Gázquez Linares, J. (2019, January 31). The reasons for doing physical exercise mediate the effect of self-esteem on uncontrolled eating amongst nursing personnel. Retrieved March 22, 2021, from